

About the Complete Humanity Series
Initially I intended to write one book about my own journey of seeking enlightenment and waking up to a true nature of being. I also wanted to include some guidance and tips to help other seekers wake up. While working on this project I discovered that there is a certain passage that can’t be hurried or rushed through in order to finish. This passage involves integrating the new perspective, worldview and energies that inevitably come with awakening. It has to be given time, as much time as it will take. So instead of writing one single book to cover the rest of my life I decided to release what I have already written as a part of what will become a trilogy:

Book 1: Buddha on a Bull: Practical Approach to Enlightenment -- this book is about waking up from the illusion of separation and dropping the seeker identity. It covers my own fourteen-year journey from 1998 to 2012 and guidance to wake up.
Book 2Dark Night of the Soul:  The Alchemy of Great Unrest -- this book is about the integration of awakening and the releasing of core personality fixations. It covers the seven-year journey from 2012 to 2019 and guidance after awakening.
Book 3: this book is about the maturation of awakening and what it means to live an awakened life. It covers the journey I am on right now.

Please enjoy this first book and know that it is part of a series. I am
working at this very moment to bring you the next book as soon as possible.
"You have a remarkably clear way of writing about this process of waking up -- what it asks of you, the close attention to authenticity (even at the level of the sound of the voice), and the simple joy of being. Remarkable and inspiring writing! It's very interesting to me, too, that "spontaneous" awakening does not seem to ever be "immediate" -- we hear of months and years of returning again and again to what was found in the first, "spontaneous" awakening. Even those of us apparently following a slower route of waking up in our life times can relate to the beautiful descriptions in this piece ... much gratitude!"

Jane Murphy,
Editor, Writing Coach,
Cape Code, USA

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